Implementation of the requirements of the federal standards of sports training in the conditions of sports schools


Dr. Hab., Professor Yu.F. Kuramshin1
K.A. Biryukova1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the requirements of the Federal standards of sports training by sports schools in St. Petersburg.
Methods and structure of the study. The analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature and documents, comparison, study of the work experience of state institutions of physical culture and sports in St. Petersburg for 2018-2022 were used.
Results and conclusions. For the purpose of state regulation of the implementation of the FSST in sports schools in St. Petersburg, an Action Plan (“road map”) for 2018-2022 was developed and approved. The Roadmap includes measures aimed at increasing the funding of state institutions of St. Petersburg. The introduction of the Roadmap measures into the activities of sports schools in the city made it possible to gradually increase the number of people undergoing sports training over four years.

Keywords: sports schools, sports reserve training, federal standards of sports training, financing of sports training.


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