Main directions of improvement of the system of current biochemical control for highly qualified kayak and canoe rowers


Dr. Med., Professor G.A. Makarova1
S.M. Chernukha1
PhD A.A. Karpov1
A.V. Bratova2

1Kuban State University of Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar
2SBHI Scientific Research Institute – Ochapovsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1, Krasnodar

Objective of the study was to identify weak links in the organization and maintenance of the current biochemical blood control of highly skilled kayak and canoe rowers.
Methods and structure of the study. Two series of blood tests were carried out: the first series involved the analysis of eight main indicators of biochemical and morphological composition. 19 male rowers aged 21 to 33 were examined, including 7 Honored Masters of Sports, 6 Masters of Sports of international class, 6 Masters of Sports. The equipment used is the Abacus 380 hematological analyzer and the BioSystems BTS 350 semi-automatic biochemical analyzer. In the second series of studies, 30 blood parameters were analyzed. 27 male athletes aged 19 to 37 years old were examined, including 3 Honored Masters of Sports, 6 Masters of Sports of international class, 14 Masters of Sports, 4 Candidates for Master of Sports, and 23 athletes aged 19 to 33 years old, of which 3 Honored Masters of Sports, 3 Masters of Sports of international class, 12 Masters of Sports and 5 Candidates for Master of Sports. Equipment used – Sysmex ХN 1000 SA10 hematology analyzer, Architect C 8000 automatic analyzer, Advia Centaur XP immunological analyzer.
Results and conclusions. The centile gradations of biochemical parameters repeatedly recorded in athletes have been calculated, their negative and borderline values have been established, it has been shown that a significant percentage of highly qualified rowers continue an active training process against the background of pre-emic shifts, in a state of chronic stress and overactivation (according to M.A. Ukolova and L.Kh. Garkavi, 1975), in a state of hypoglycemia, protein deficiency and intoxication due to streptococcal infection.
In general, it has been established that the frequency and volume of recorded parameters of the biochemical and morphological composition of blood, traditional in the framework of the training process, do not allow timely obtaining the necessary information about the violations of the functional state of the body that occur in athletes. Justified (with an interval of 1-1.5 months) additional paraclinical examination with an expanded range of clinical and laboratory parameters.

Keywords: highly qualified rowers in kayaks and canoes, biochemical parameters, centile gradations, negative shifts, boundary values.


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