Respiratory indicators of the body of martial arts athletes of Yakutia depending on the somatotype according to the Rees-Eysenck index


PhD V.A. Alekseeva1
Dr. Med., Associate Professor A.B. Gurieva1
Dr. Med. N.V. Borisova1
PhD E.N. Nikolaeva1
PhD L.I. Arzhakova1
1M.K. Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

Objective of the study was to determine the functional indicators of the respiratory system of martial arts athletes in Yakutia, depending on the somatotype according to the Rees-Eysenck index.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved 49 male single combat athletes of the highest sports qualification of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), whose average age was 21.32±3.47 years. Body length, body weight, chest girth, shoulder diameter, anteroposterior and transverse chest diameters were measured. Somatotyping was carried out according to the Rees-Eysenck index. Three somatotypes have been identified: asthenic, normosthenic and pycnic. The functional indicators of the respiratory system were determined.
Results and conclusions. An analysis of anthropometric indicators did not reveal significant differences in growth parameters among individuals with different somatotypes. The minimum values of body weight, chest girth, shoulder diameter, transverse and anteroposterior diameters of the chest were determined in individuals with asthenic somatotype. In athletes with different body types, there were no significant differences in the Stange test. Individuals with a picnic somatotype have significantly high values of lung capacity, inspiratory capacity, and inspiratory reserve volume. Significantly high values of the Genchi test were found in individuals with normosthenic somatotype and low values in athletes with a picnic body type. Thus, individuals with a picnic somatotype, with significantly higher values of body weight, chest dimensions, and spirometry indicators, showed significantly lower results of the Genchi test, which indicates a strain on the functional parameters of the respiratory system and anaerobic capabilities of the body.

Keywords: athletes, wrestlers, Yakutia, respiratory system, somatotype.


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