Structure of sports motivation of youth Russian athletes


Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ryabchikov1
Dr. Hab., Professor S.M. Ashkinazi1, 2
PhD D.I. Voronov1
A.V. Migunova1
1Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, St. Petersburg
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to reveal the structure of sports motivation of Russian youth athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of scientific work, the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS) method for diagnosing sports motivation was used, developed by a group of scientists led by R.J. Vallerand, adapted by V.N. Kasatkin and co-authors. The survey involved 214 Russian athletes (age 15-20 years old).
Results and conclusions. An analysis of empirical data showed that the intrinsic motivation of the respondents, which includes the scales of new recognition, self-development, and emotional stimulation, in the sum of average scores, is significantly higher than the extrinsic motivation, which includes the scales of goal shift, obligation, and social approval. The dominant motivation among Russian athletes of youthful age is "Emotional stimulation", which indicates the desire of respondents through sports activities to stimulate the emergence of positive emotions and vivid impressions. Among the scales related to extrinsic motivation, "Due" has the highest value, which can be described as a heightened sense of duty. Comparative analysis of the average indicators of the scale of sports motivation by gender of the respondents revealed statistically significant differences on the scales of internal motivation "Emotional stimulation" and "Self-development", as well as on the scale of external motivation "Social approval".

Keywords: sports motivation, adolescence, athletes, self-development, emotional stimulation, social approval, demotivation.


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