Physical fitness dynamics of fire and rescue academy cadets: control and correction


Dr.Hab. , Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
Phd, Associate Professor D.V. Zhernakov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Ukolov1
1Siberian Fire and Rescue Academy of EMERCOM of Russia, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk region

Keywords: physical fitness, dynamics, cadets, fire and rescue academy, control and correction.

Introduction. Physical training of cadets of the fire and rescue Academy is a basic component of training specialists in universities of this profile. In this regard, monitoring the physical fitness of cadets at all stages of training at the Academy contributes, in our opinion, to maintaining at the proper level and developing the physical qualities of future specialists in the fire and rescue industry.
The purpose of the study is to identify the dynamics of the cadets' physical fitness indicators during the training period at the fire and rescue Academy and to propose measures to improve the educational programs of physical training.
Methodology and organization of the study. 500 cadets of the Fire and rescue Academy (1st-5th courses) took part in the experiment, who analyzed the dynamics of physical fitness indicators during their studies at the university. The following tests were used to control physical fitness: running at 3000 m and 100 m; shuttle running 10x10 m; complex strength exercise (KSU) and pull-up on a high crossbar.
Research results and conclusions. It was revealed that the indicators of physical fitness of cadets are observed in running at 100 and 3000 m, in pulling up on the crossbar. To a lesser extent, the indicators in shuttle running and KSU are reduced. Upon completion of training at the Academy, 5th‑year cadets have a decrease in physical fitness indicators in running 100 and 3000 m. This dynamics is primarily associated with age-related physiological changes in the cadets' body, which in turn requires correction of the program content of physical training of future industry specialists.
Based on the data obtained, it is proposed to expand the content of physical training curricula for future specialists in the fire and rescue industry by including various forms of circular training, complex strength and sports games, conducting classes in the form of sports training, the systematic use of control starts taking into account age-related physiological changes in the body of students, and also recommend cadets to intensify work on independent physical preparation.

Used literature

  1. Ponomarev V.V. Control and correction of the physical condition of cadets of the fire and rescue Academy on the basis of model indicators // V.V. Ponomarev, A.V. Makarov, D.V. Zhernakov, A.V. Ukolov // XXV International scientific and Practical conference "Modern problems of safety", April 26-24, 2023, Ural Institute of GPS of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Yekaterinburg. pp. 111-117.
  2. Ponomarev V.V. Management of physical training of cadets of the fire and rescue Academy // V.V. Ponomarev, D.V. Zhernakov, A.V. Ukolov // VII All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Topical issues of professional training of firefighters and rescuers". Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Ivanovo, March 29, 2023. pp. 81-84.