Features of the use of rhythmic gymnastics in professional physical training of actors


Dr.Hab., Professor N.A. Fomina1
Associate Professor G.P. Chernyavsky1
1Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture

Keywords: plot-role rhythmic gymnastics, professional physical training of actors.

Introduction. Actors of a modern drama theater must have comprehensive physical fitness, skills and abilities to perform elements of gymnastics, acrobatics, dancing, pantomime, balancing, stage combat, fencing, and also have a specific qualitative characteristic of movement – expressiveness [1]. To ensure such universal training, taking into account the shortage of training hours of the educational program for the disciplines "Stage movement" and "Physical training", it is necessary to use means of integrated influence, one of which is rhythmic gymnastics.
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the use of rhythmic gymnastics complexes in professionally oriented physical training of actors.
Methodology and organization of the study. The examination of the means aimed at integrated problem solving made it possible to identify the most effective, among which rhythmic gymnastics of a plot-role nature stands out, which is a synthesis of movements with music and a plot, on the basis of which a set of exercises is being developed.
The training of each complex of plot-role rhythmic gymnastics takes place in stages in order to consistently solve pedagogical tasks. The first stage is indicative (10-12 academic hours), dedicated to mastering the technique of performing basic elements, bundles, compositions. At the next, constructive and formative stage (10-12 academic hours), the training of the complex as a whole continues with additional elements of the translation of the artistic image, the complication of the main elements, the creation of dynamic drawings (moving around the site, increasing the pace, amplitude of exercises and ligaments). Students strive to independently reproduce the sequence of exercises of the complex.
The third, control stage (10-12 hours), is aimed at creating a creative project by students – a musical based on the motor material of the mastered complex, where they must demonstrate their physical fitness, mastery of complex motor actions and expressiveness.
The results of the study and their discussion. During the pedagogical experiment (academic year), results were obtained reflecting the effectiveness of the use of complexes of plot-role rhythmic gymnastics (two complexes during the year). At the final stage, the students of the experimental group showed significantly higher results in comparison with the control group in terms of coordination abilities (rhythm, consistency, differentiation of muscle effort, reactivity, sense of time, balance), physical qualities (flexibility, endurance), psycho-emotional state (according to the SAN method: well-being, activity, mood), motor expressiveness (plastic, musical, artistic).
Conclusions. The use of plot-role rhythmic gymnastics in the physical training of actors ensures the solution of professionally significant educational tasks – the development of coordination abilities, physical qualities and motor expressiveness, the development of the base of motor skills and abilities, and also contributes to the improvement of the psycho-emotional state of students.


  1. Chernyavsky G.P. Conjugate solution of professionally significant educational and recreational tasks in the process of motor coordination training of actors at the university / G.P. Chernyavsky, N.A. Fomina // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoj kul'tury.  2023. No. 3.  p. 88.