Biocontrolledmechanotherapy as a means of therapeutic physical culture in post-flight rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system of astronauts


PhD G.N. Ter-Akopov1
Dr. Biol., Professor Yu.V. Koryagina1
PhD S.M. Abutalimova1
Doctor orthopedist-traumatologist A.Sh. Abutalimov1
1North Caucasian Research and Clinical Center under the Federal Medical Bioloeical Agency, Essentuki

Objective of the study was to develop methods for the use of biocontrolled mechanotherapy in the post-flight rehabilitation of the musculoskeletal system of astronauts.
Methods and structure of the study. The study of the functional state and correction of impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system were carried out using robotic biomechanical complexes (RBC) with biofeedback (BFB) CON-TREX (Physiomed, Germany) and CENTAUR (BFMS, Germany), 5 male astronauts took part in it.
Results and conclusions. Biocontrolled mechanotherapy is a new and highly effective means of therapeutic physical culture and a high-tech method of recovery in post-flight medical rehabilitation programs for astronauts. Conducting rehabilitation courses of mechanotherapy on robotic complexes both in groups of volunteers and in cosmonauts made it possible to correct the existing disorders, which had a positive effect on the functional state of the musculoskeletal system (the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the knee joints was optimized and stabilized, the general muscles of the back were improved, the coordination of autochthonous body muscles, etc.).

Keywords: biocontrolled mechanotherapy, therapeutic physical culture, post-flight rehabilitation of cosmonauts, musculoskeletal system, trunk muscles, muscles of the lower extremities, dynamometry, power characteristics.


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