Development of spatial control coordination of masters of sailing races on sea yawls during the navigation period


Dr. Med., Professor P.V. Rodichkin1
Dr. Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev1
PhD, Associate Professor I.Yu. Pugachev2
1The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
2Derzhavin Tambov State University, Tambov

Objective of the study was an empirical substantiation of the effectiveness of the methodology for developing the spatial-control coordination of the masters of sailing races on YAL-6 during the navigation period.
Methods and structure of the study. In the process of work, methods of logical processing of information and synthesis of information, statistical and scientific sources on the research topic were used; testing, including express methods; parallel and cross pedagogical experiments; biometrics. In total, 3 crews (24 people) aged 19.38 ± 0.57 years were involved. The problem was formulated and a combined two-stage exercise was developed for the implementation of the preparatory mesocycle during the recovery period (3 times a week for 60 minutes): Stage I - a combined unified exercise with a basketball; jumping in squares; active and passive exercises for vestibular stability; Stage II - an increase in mental activity against the background of fatigue and concentration of the properties of attention; permanent 5-minute fighting battle according to simplified rules; intelligent group special obstacle course.
Results and conclusions. The team participating in the natural experiment confidently won the next championship of Russia (Moscow, Strogino). The results summarized significant (t = 2.19; p<0.05) ergonomics of the motion control system in athletes on the MG-440 display, as well as spatial coordination parameters (t = 3.22; p<0.05).

Keywords: sailing races, YAL-6, high-class athletes, spatial control coordination, sensitization.


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