Dynamics of the body mass index among schoolchildren in the Moscow region in 2000-2020


Dr. Biol., Professor S.P. Levushkin1
PhD, Associate Professor O.F. Zhukov6
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Fedotov2, 3
Dr. Med., Professor N.A. Skoblina4, 6
PhD Yu.V. Solovyova5
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK» , Moscow
2North State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Arkhangelsk
3Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk
4N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
5National Medical Research Center of Children's Health of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
6Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Moscow

Objective of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of body mass index indicators among schoolchildren in the Moscow region in 2000-2020.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out immediately after the removal of covid restrictions in educational institutions. 2146 schoolchildren aged 8-17 were examined using standard anthropometric methods and anthropometric instruments. For a comparative analysis, we used data obtained in the 2000s (2472 schoolchildren) and examination data of 268099 schoolchildren as part of the all-Russian monitoring of the physical development of schoolchildren examined in 2021-2022.
Results of the study and their discussion. In elementary school students in 2020, the body mass index had higher values than in elementary school students in 2000. In middle and high school students, the body mass index did not have significant differences, with the exception of adolescent boys.
Negative trends in violation of the harmony of physical development due to excess body weight, characteristic of a number of regions of the Russian Federation, in the Moscow region were identified in younger schoolchildren and adolescent boys.

Keywords: schoolchildren, body mass index, dynamics, Moscow region.


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