Complex application of physical culture means and psychotechnologies in professional-applied physical training of employees of law enforcement agencies


PhD Yu.V. Smirnova
Pushkin Leningrad State University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to substantiate the complex use of physical culture and psychotechnologies in modeling the physical training of employees of law enforcement agencies.
Methods and structure of the study. In the presented scientific work, the method of modeling, theoretical analysis of data from scientific and methodological literature (cross-analysis, deduction, induction), as well as empirical methods (pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation) were used, statistical data processing was carried out using Student's criterion.
Results and conclusions. The proposed algorithm for modeling the content of professional-applied physical training of employees of law enforcement agencies, which is based on the idea of complex application of physical culture and psychotechnologies. The choice of means, methods and organizational conditions for conducting classes is determined by the specifics of the service tasks of the contingent in question, climatic and geographical and stress factors for their implementation, including during military operations. The complex, combinatorial effect on the body and psyche of the potential of physical exercises and means of psychoregulation is taken into account. Of particular importance is the integration of the physical training process with other types of training, primarily with fire training. The directed development of the physical and mental qualities of employees of law enforcement agencies is considered depending on the priority task of the upcoming professional activity.

Keywords: professional-applied physical training, employees of law enforcement agencies, means of physical culture, psychotechnologies, stress factors, algorithm, modeling.


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