Evaluation of the value orientations of Russian youth athletes using the methods of Sh. Schwartz and E. Diener


Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ryabchikov1
Dr. Hab., Professor S.M. Ashkinazi1, 2
PhD D.I. Voronov1
A.V. Migunova1

1Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics, St. Petersburg
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to obtain and analyze empirical data on the value orientations of Russian youth athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. During the experiment, the value questionnaire of Sh. Schwartz and the life satisfaction scale of E. Diener were used. The survey involved 214 Russian athletes (age 15-20 years old).
Results and conclusions. The values of Russian youth athletes are characterized at the level of normative ideals (more stable and determining their life principles of behavior) and at the level of individual priorities (more dependent on the external environment and correlated with their specific actions). The indicators of respondents' emotional perception of their own lives as a whole, reflecting the current level of their subjective well-being, are analyzed. The most significant values for the respondents are "Safety", "Achievements" and "Independence". In the group of girls, the indicators of the significance of the values "Universalism" and "Stimulation" at the level of normative ideals are on average higher than in the group of boys. As they grow older, the significance of the values "Hedonism" and "Conformity" at the level of normative ideals decreases. At the level of individual priorities, as they grow older, the importance of the value of "Tradition" decreases, and the importance of the value of "Independence", on the contrary, increases.
The analysis of indicators according to the method of E. Diener allows us to characterize the life satisfaction of the respondents as having an average degree. The highest indicator using E. Diener's methodology was revealed according to the statement "I have in life what I really need." A comparative analysis for three age groups of respondents showed a decrease in the average value of life satisfaction as they grow older.

Keywords: value orientations, adolescence, athletes, life satisfaction, individual priorities.


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