Justification of the optimal model characteristics of athletes in the field of children's - youth hockey


Dr. Med. E.R. Yashina1
E.Yu. Rychkov2

Dr. Med., Professor P.S. Turzin1
PhD, Associate Professor K.E. Lukichev3
1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
2Autonomous non-profit organization for the promotion of sports science - National Institute of Sports, Moscow
3Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the dynamics of the values of model characteristics and control indicators of the training of young hockey players depending on their age.
Methods and structure of the study. Testing was carried out using the equipment and software of the Sport Testing company and the subsequent interpretation of the results of testing the special technical skills and physical qualities of pupils of sports schools in the field of ice hockey of different ages at the training stage and the stage of improving sportsmanship was carried out: born in 2007. - 25 hockey players, born in 2006 - 25 hockey players, 2005 - 18 hockey players, JHL team - 21 hockey players. Testing methodology using Sport Testing equipment and software includes both on-ice and off-ice testing of players.
Results and conclusions. It was revealed that the training process aimed at the formation of optimal model characteristics not only contributes to the achievement of sports results, but also reduces the likelihood of overtraining in children, which in turn reduces the risks of weakening the body with subsequent illness, leading to the sick leave of one of the parents.

Keywords: children's and youth hockey, model characteristics and benchmarks of training, testing.


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