Individually differentiated technical training of highly qualified weightlifters


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor V.L. Botyaev1
M.A. Shpartko2

Applicant I.S. Belyaev3
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Grachev4
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Sports school of the Olympic reserve "Ugoria" named after A.A. Piloyan, Surgut
3Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin, Belgorod
4Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov, Belgorod

Objective of the study was to substantiate the need to build an individually differentiated technical training of highly qualified kettlebell lifters.
Methods and structure of the study. Highly qualified kettlebell lifters (n-30) participated in the pedagogical experiment. Anthropometric characteristics and features of the morphostatus of kettlebell lifters are the basis of the individually differentiated approach.
Results and conclusions. The conducted studies show that there is a weak relationship between the individual components of the push technique for a long cycle and the anthropometric characteristics of an athlete. It was found that in the majority of athletes of different weight categories, the components of the implementation of individual technique most often correspond to the average parameters of the standard technique of their weight category, athletes do not use their anatomical advantages when performing a competitive exercise.
The work, as an example, considers athletes with high long-range, anthropometric characteristics, substantiates the need for the formation of a rational movement technique for them, where the main emphasis will be placed on improving the amplitude components of the long-cycle jerk exercise technique. The results of the study convincingly show the existing individual reserves for improving the technical readiness of highly qualified kettlebell lifters.

Keywords: individually differentiated approach, technical training, long cycle push, anthropometric characteristics, timing of movement phases.


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