Influence of autogenic training on physical performance during sleep not more than 3 hours after exam stress in students


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Semizorov1
Dr. Med., Professor V.N. Ananev2
PhD, Associate Professor S.I. Khromina3
Dr. Med., Professor N.Y. Prokopiev4
1Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University, Tyumen
2Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
3Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen
4University of Tyumen, Tyumen

Keywords: student-athletes, physical performance, autogenic training, sleep.

Introduction. To look at the placement, the popularity of relaxation trainers, the fact of automatic coaching (AT) as a method of correcting problems with time in a group of student athletes is unknown [2].
The aim of the study was to influence the effectiveness of autogenic training on physical performance according to the PWC170 test against the background of sleep for no more than three hours after exam stress in students.
Methodology and organization of the study. 42 student-athletes (boys) of Tyumen universities were observed. Before the exam, the students found out who burned down no more than three hours today, and asked for the exam (according to their wishes) to pass a physical performance test according to the PWC170 standard. After the step test, the subjects were engaged in autogenic training for 30 minutes sitting [1, 2] under the guidance of a teacher. After a 30-minute break and currently performed the PWC170 sleep test. The control group consisted of the same students after 48 hours of full rest. The statistical work was performed using the t-criterion of the Student.
The results of the study and their discussion. The experiment showed that a short sleep for three hours significantly reduced physical performance after the exam in student-athletes from 1209.7 ±5.9 kgm/min in the control to 896±11.4 kgm/min. Since short sleep primarily disrupts the functional lability of nerve centers, we have used long-known software to improve the functioning of the central nervous system. At least at the physical level, labor productivity has increased significantly and amounted to 14.46%, and without it - 25.9%.
Conclusions. The study showed that autogenic training can partially restore physical performance after a short sleep.


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  2. Litvich-Kaminska K., Kotishko M. The effect of autogenic training in the form of audio recordings on sleep quality and physiological stress responses of university athletes is a pilot study. In the field of environment and public health. November 30, 2022;19(23):16043. doi: 10.3390/ijerph192316043.