Classification of game technique in billiards for persons with hearing impairments


A.I. Salmova
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev–KAI, Kazan

Keywords: billiard sport, persons with hearing impairments, educational and training process, technical elements, intellectual and technical actions.

Introduction. The playing activity of athletes in billiard sports consists of many components not only of a motor, but also of an intellectual nature, the success of mastering which depends on a systematic understanding of the sequence of teaching the technique of the game, timely monitoring and evaluation of the correctness of their performance. In this aspect, in sports training, the classification of the technique of the chosen sport is usually used, orienting the coach in the training process.
Unfortunately, in the available Russian and international scientific and methodological literature, we could not find a classification of the technique of playing billiards. In the methodological literature there is only a special terminology, which is often descriptive. The lack of classification makes it difficult to plan and manage the training process at all stages of the multi-year process of sports training in billiard sports.
The aim of the study is to develop a classification of billiards technique for people with hearing impairments.
Methodology and organization of the study. In order to form a correct understanding of the technique of billiard sports, the management of technical training and the organization of pedagogical control of the formation of optimal technique, a classification of the technique of playing billiards for people with hearing impairments was developed, consisting of three main structured components characterizing the elements of the technique, the technique of intellectual actions and the technique of motor actions.
The classification was based on the principle of sports training "from simple to complex" and used the classification feature of the distribution of all structural components according to the increasing complexity of mastering and implementation. Another classification feature was the unification of game actions by type of activity: intellectual and motor (technical), the training of which occupies an important place in the preparation of athletes.
The results of the study and their discussion. Initially, technical elements were allocated to a separate group, based on the specifics of the type of billiards and the gender attribute of the athlete: racks, bridges (hand stops), strikes, game combinations. Next, a group of intellectual actions was defined, including: analysis of the game situation, mathematical modeling (trajectory calculation, impact design); planning a series of strikes, ordering a ball in sign language, depending on the discipline. Technical actions were assigned to a separate group: game strikes and game combinations.
Conclusions. The developed classification significantly simplifies the work of the trainer, helps to increase its effectiveness, systematizes the process of adopting control and translation standards for technical training. The components of the developed classification formed the basis of the methodology for teaching players with hearing impairments in billiard sports.


  1. Salmova A.I. Software and methodological support of the training process of billiard players with hearing impairment / A.I. Salmova, L.A. Parfenova // Physical culture: upbringing, education, training. – 2019. – No. 6. – pp. 60-63.