Evaluation of the intervals of projections of the speeds of the centers of gravity of elite athletes in the process of preparation of throws under competition conditions


Dr. Hab., Professor A.G. Levitsky1
PhD D.A. Matveev2
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Potsipun2
O.V. Kholodkova2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sports and Health, St. Petersburg
2Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Objective of the study was to compare the intervals of projections of the velocities of the centers of gravity of elite athletes in the process of preparing technical and tactical actions in the conditions of a competitive fight.
Methods and structure of the study. For the experiment, video recordings from You Tube video hosting were taken and episodes were selected in which Olympic judo champions Tashihiko Koga and Lee Won-hee performed their signature moves. The analysis was subjected to a part of the video recordings on which the athletes were preparing the throws. Using the Paint Brash program, the centers of gravity of body segments were applied to the cyclograms, and then the coordinates of the center of gravity of each athlete were calculated. Next, the projections of the velocities of the centers of gravity were determined.
Results and conclusions. The article presents the values of the intervals of projections of the velocities of the centers of gravity of elite athletes in the horizontal and vertical planes in the process of preparing a throw in a competitive fight. In the horizontal plane, the intervals of projections of the velocities of the centers of gravity lie in the interval from - 0,58 с.u/s to - 0,60 с.u/s, and in the vertical plane from- 0,67 c.u/s to 0,53 c.u/s. However, when building a training process for each athlete, it is advisable to start from the situation that arises on the mat and from the anthropometric characteristics of the athlete, and use the obtained intervals of values as indicative. The results obtained can be used in the preparation of athletes at the stages of improving sportsmanship and higher sportsmanship.

Keywords: speed of the center of gravity, technical and tactical actions, elite athletes, anthropometric data, velocity projections, combined group.


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  3. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyUKrsTt2yo (date of access 06.27.2022)
  4. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmbfvfQlVlU (date of access 01.10.2023).