Transformation of value attitudes of modern youth: from deviations to a sporty lifestyle in conditions of different municipalities


Dr. Hab., Professor E.A. Bayer1
Postgraduate student S.A. Gadarova1
1Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don

Objective of the study was to substantiate the need to transform the deviations of modern youth by means of sports activities.
Methods and structure of the study. To confirm the opinion of experts that sport is an effective tool for transforming the personality of modern adolescents, a sociological study was conducted on the topic: "The attitude of young people to physical culture and sports." The survey involved 13,528 young people from three municipalities of the Rostov region with different infrastructure characteristics: the large million-plus city of Rostov-on-Don, the small town of Bataysk, the Chertkovsky district is a remote area with an underdeveloped sports infrastructure; 55% of the sample (7386 people) were female respondents and 45% (6142 people) were male respondents.
Results and conclusions. It has been proved that sportization can become a necessary condition for the individual transformation of a teenager's deviant behavior into socially acceptable activity formats. However, in order to carry out this complex process, infrastructural conditions and semantic richness are needed that can attract young people to exercise and a healthy lifestyle.

Keywords: physical education, deviant behavior, adolescents of the “risk group”, sports lifestyle, values of modern youth, healthy lifestyle, sportization, attitude to sports, correctional and educational activities, resilience.


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