Motor activity as a contextual factor in maintaining the mental health of medical students


Dr. Hab., Dr. Psych., Professor A.B. Serykh1
Dr. Hab., Professor E.I. Mychko1
E.S. Strelnikova1
E.N. Kinal1

1Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad

Objective of the study was to identify the relationship between the characteristics of the motor activity of medical girls and psychopathic spectrum disorders in the context of the formation of mental health.
Methods and structure of the study. Phased empirical work was carried out on the basis of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Diagnostics was carried out with medical students using the methods "Index of attitude to health and a healthy lifestyle", "Attitude to health", Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale = DASS, developed by Lovibond S.H., Lovibond P.F; motor activity studies (D.M. Aronov, V.B. Krasnitsky, M.G. Bubnova), which allow measuring the formation of the level of motor activity and various aspects of the mental health of young girls.
Research results and conclusions. The obtained results of diagnostics made it possible to reveal the dependence of some aspects of psychological health and the prevalence of psychopathologies among medical students on the level of physical activity. Motor activity can have an impact on reducing the negative effect of factors that have an adverse effect on the mental health of medical girls.

Keywords: motor activity, physical activity, medical students, health, mental health.


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