Study of the vital capacity of the lungs in athletes 18-20 years old involved in underwater sports, depending on sports specialization


PhD E.N. Konopleva1
Associate Professor E.V. Redi1
1Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to determine the state of the vital capacity of the lungs of athletes aged 18-20 years old involved in underwater sports, depending on sports specialization.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved highly qualified athletes - divers (15 girls and 15 boys), members of the national team of the Krasnoyarsk Territory specializing in swimming in sprint, stayer and underwater distances. The study was conducted at the sports bases of the city of Krasnoyarsk (sports complex "Avangard", "Water Sports Palace of the Siberian State University"). The following methods were used in the work: analysis of pedagogical and scientific-methodical literature, methods for assessing morphofunctional indicators (VC), methods for mathematical processing of results. Research results and conclusions. The conducted experiment allows us to summarize that girls specializing in underwater disciplines have a greater lung capacity than girls sprinters and stayers. In men, the same trend is observed. Intensive training regimes of highly qualified athletes in cyclic sports place increased demands on the respiratory apparatus, and scuba diving is exactly the kind of sport where the cardiorespiratory system plays a significant role.

Keywords: vital capacity of the lungs, spirometry, morphofunctional parameters, underwater sports, diver, physical activity, respiratory system.


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