Laboratory criteria for a comprehensive assessment of aerobic capabilities in the system for monitoring the special performance of athletes (on the example of judo)
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Shiyan
Fеdеrаl Trаining Sроrts Center of the Representative Teams of Russia, Moscow
Objective of the study was to systematize the criteria for quantitative assessment of the characteristics of aerobic metabolism in judokas and to assess their contribution to the nature of the dynamics of special endurance of athletes specializing in judo.
Results and conclusions. The low predictive value of the practical application of the indicator of maximum aerobic power as a criterion for evaluating the special endurance of judo wrestlers is shown. When conducting in-depth and stage examinations of athletes specializing in martial arts, it is recommended (in addition to the standardized procedure for laboratory assessment of maximum aerobic power) to use test programs and criteria for quantitative assessment of aerobic efficiency and aerobic capacity.
Keywords: special endurance, aerobic capacity, criteria for assessing the readiness of athletes, judo, wrestling, weight categories.
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