Impact of volleyball loads on the physical possibilities of adolescents


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Alenurov1
E.S. Kumantsova2
I.I. Fayzullina3

1 Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow
3Russian Biotechnological University, Moscow

Keywords: volleyball, teenagers, physiology, physical impossibility, endurance.

Introduction. Increasing general physical activity at a young age hardens the body for many years, contributing to an increase in overall physical capabilities [2]. Group sports that provide a sufficient level of physical exertion on the body remain very popular among teenagers [1].
The purpose of the study is to identify the impact of volleyball loads on the physical abilities of adolescents.
Methodology and organization of the study. There were 41 teenage volleyball players aged 12-14 who were engaged in the profile section at least twice a week for an hour. In terms of the length of experience of volleyball classes, they were divided into three comparable groups: the first group consisted of volleyball players up to a year (14 persons); the second group included volleyball players with experience from one to two years (15 persons) and the third group consisted of volleyball players with sports experience of three years or more (12 persons). The Pinier index, the body mass index, the Erisman index, the Rohrer index, the life index, the Pirke-Beduzi index, the power index of the leading hand, the Kaznacheyev index were evaluated. Based on the results obtained, the Student's criterion was calculated.
The results of the study and their discussion. In the process of increasing the sports experience of volleyball players, there is an increase in the Pinier index, which indicates the strengthening of their overall somatic status. The values of the Erisman index for volleyball players of the second and third groups were higher than those of the first group by 25.2% and 62.6%, respectively. The average body mass index of the observed volleyball players in the first group reached 18.2±0.36 kg/m2, in the second group – 18.9±0.27 kg/m2, in the third group – 20.1±0.26 kg/m2, showing no differences in volleyball players with different experience in this parameter. The value of the Rohrer index in the first group (13.2±0.26 kg/m3) was slightly higher, indicating a slightly less harmonious physique compared with the second group (11.2±0.26 kg/m3) and with the third group (10.9±0.36 kg/m3). The values of the Pirke-Beduzi index in all three groups of the examined had no significant differences: in the first group it was 91.1±0.72%, in the second group – 94.9± 0.55% and in the third group – 93.0± 0.62%. As the length of physical activity increases, an increase in the value of the life index is noted. In the second group, its value was 13.6% higher than in the first group, and in the third group it was 18.9% higher. The value of the Kaznacheev index increased in the course of increasing the sports experience of the surveyed. In the first group, its value was lower (0.5±0.06%) than in the second group (0.7±0.05%) and in the third group (0.8±0.06%). The highest strength index of the main arm was found in volleyball players of the third group (52.6 ± 0.42%). In the persons included in the second group, it was lower (42.6 ± 0.47%), but exceeded the control by 15.3%.
Conclusion. As the experience of volleyball classes increases, adolescents deepen the development of morphofunctional parameters. Regular classes in the volleyball section lead to an increase in the frequency of occurrence of medium and large body types among them. This leads to their achieving a more pronounced harmony and increasing the resistance of their body to any physical exertion.


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