Physiological response of the cardiovascular system to vestibular activation in representatives of game sports


A.S. Boldin1
I.I. Fayzullina2
I.V. Nikolaev3

1Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow
2Russian Biotechnological University, Moscow
3Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Keywords: volleyball, football, basketball, vestibular analyzer, vestibular activation, cardiovascular system.

Introduction. Rational, adequate to the human condition, physical activity can strengthen internal organs [2]. Under conditions of physical exertion, the vestibular apparatus is always involved, which by its work largely ensures optimum movements, preserves the physiological location of the body and its parts in space [1].
The aim of the study is to find out the effect of activation of the vestibular system on the heart and blood vessels in representatives of game sports.
Methodology and organization of the study. There were 52 clinically healthy men (24.6±1.2 years) who continuously trained in their sport for at least two years: football (17 people), volleyball (16 people), basketball (19 people). The control group was recruited from 16 clinically healthy men (21.6±1.5 years) who experienced physical activity no higher than household. The degree of reaction of the cardiovascular system to the activation of the vestibular system was monitored under the conditions of a standard rotational test of V.I. Voyachek by assessing the purity of heart contractions and blood pressure initially and after vestibular activation under conditions of head tilt in different directions (five rotations for 10 seconds and 10 rotations for 20 seconds). The Student's t-test value was calculated.
The results of the study. In volleyball players, during the test with five revolutions, the pulse changed on average 5.1 ± 0.25 beats/min, in conditions of 10 revolutions, their pulse increased by an average of 1.6 beats/min with the achievement of a dynamic level of 6.7 ± 0.31 beats/min. In basketball players, these indicators reached 4.5±0.28 beats/min, 1.9 beats/min, 6.4± 0.37 beats/min, respectively. The players had 3.0±0.32 beats/min, 1.6 beats/min, 4.8±0.34 beats/min, respectively. The values of systolic blood pressure levels in football, volleyball and basketball players were similar – 114.5 ±0.53 mmHg, 115.6± 0.37 mmHg.
and 115.0±0.44 mm Hg, respectively. In the control group, this parameter was greater than 126.6±1.17 mmHg (p<0.05).
During the rotational load, the value of systolic blood pressure in the case of any position of the head relative to the body did not increase significantly. The degree of increase in systolic pressure in all groups of athletes and in representatives of the control group was comparable – 4.1 ± 0.49 mm Hg; 4.2±0.36 mm Hg; 4.1±0.42 mm Hg and 3.8±0.91 mm Hg, respectively. Under the conditions of doubling the time of performing the rotational action, the growth of systolic pressure in athletes was on average 1.7 ± 0.32 mm Hg higher than when loading for ten seconds. The increase in systolic pressure with a doubling of the rotational exposure time in the control group was even higher – 4.6 ± 0.72 mmHg (p<0.01) than in all the others observed in this study. The value of diastolic pressure in all athletes without vestibular load did not differ, averaging 68.5 ± 0.86 mmHg (in the control 81.41± 0.62 mmHg). Its average value during rotational exposure in all athletes increased comparably slightly (on average by 1.4 ± 0.41 mmHg), while significantly losing before the control.
Conclusion. Playing sports contribute to adaptation to episodes of activation of the vestibular system and stabilization of the reaction of the heart to them. Regular sports movements associated with head turns increase functionality, providing optimization of heart rate purity, which is slightly more pronounced in football players than in volleyball and basketball players.


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