Health opportunities of sport walking in adolescents with chronic non-obstructive bronchitis


M.K. Ivanova1
Dr. Med., Professor I.N. Medvedev2
E.I. Pismenskaya3
1Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Keywords: physical activity, sports walking, lungs, bronchi, chronic bronchitis, adolescents.

Introduction. The main life support systems of the body are highly susceptible to disorders at a young age [2]. A fairly common disease in modern society is chronic bronchitis. In this regard, it is important to search for options for improving this system, primarily among young people [1].
The aim of the study is to trace the health–improving possibilities of sports walking in adolescents suffering from chronic non-obstructive bronchitis.
Methodology and organization of the study. The observation group consisted of 16 adolescents aged 13-14 who suffered from chronic non-obstructive bronchitis without respiratory failure. These teenagers have been doing sports walking on flat terrain for at least 60 minutes a day for six months. The control group was formed by 15 of their healthy peers. The spirograph SMP-21/01-"R-D" (Monitor enterprise, Russia) was used, registering the spirograph. A Barbell test and a Gencha test were performed, the Skibinsky index and the degree of chest excursion were determined. The Student's t-criterion was calculated.
The results of the study and their discussion. After six months of rehabilitation in the observation group, the vital capacity of the lungs increased by 15.2% and reached the control level. The value of the forced vital capacity of the lungs in adolescents suffering from bronchitis increased by 16.2%, also normalized. By the end of the work, the value of forced exhalation in one second in the observation group increased by 17.1%, reaching the control level. By the end of the follow-up, adolescents suffering from bronchitis had normalized the minute volume of respiration (decreased by 10.2%) and maximum ventilation (increased by 10.1%). This led in the observation group to the normalization of the results of hypoxic tests, the value of the chest excursion and the Skibinsky index.
Conclusion. Regular sports walking exercises provide stable remission of chronic bronchitis in adolescents, eliminating existing disorders in their respiratory system.


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