Strength exercises with dumbbells in the system of classes on the course of applied physical culture at the university


Dr. Biol., Professor I.P. Zaitseva
P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl

Objective of the study was to experimentally prove the effectiveness of the use of strength exercises with dumbbells in applied physical education classes in the development of physical qualities and preparation for mandatory testing of students' physical development indicators.
Methods and structure of the study. The pedagogical experiment was carried out for three years with the participation of students of the Faculty of Psychology of the P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, who enrolled in 2019. Students at the beginning of the 1st year were divided into control and experimental groups. The experiment was aimed at solving the following problems:
– selection of the optimal ratio of forms of physical education and the volume of loads for the purposeful development of strength qualities;
– assessment of the initial level and dynamics of changes in the main strength indicators of the physical development of the participants in the experiment;
– assessment of motives that cause interest in applied physical culture classes;
– experimental substantiation of the effectiveness of the use of strength exercises in the development of the physical qualities of students in the lessons of applied physical culture.
Results and conclusions. The introduction of various means of strength training in the educational process in physical culture, on the one hand, gives novelty to training sessions, promotes student motivation, and creates a positive emotional background. On the other hand, in order to achieve efficiency, it is necessary to provide for the competent organization of classes with the rational construction of a plan for the implementation of strength exercises, an individual approach.

Keywords: students, strength training, dumbbells, applied physical culture.


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