Influence of urbanization on the level of physical fitness and general morbidity of first-year female students


PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Strelnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Kiseleva1
PhD, Associate Professor D.N. Maltsev2
PhD, Associate Professor Y.I. Dudkina3
1Vyatka State University, Kirov
2Kirov State Medical University, Kirov
3Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Objective of the study to compare physical fitness and the level of general morbidity in girls of the 1st year of 17-18 years of Vyatka State University (VyatSU).
Methodology and organization of the study. 401 girls aged 17-18 years of Vyatka Kirov took part in the study. According to the classification of residents of the Russian Federation, the territorial agglomeration allowed to distinguish 3 groups of the studied by their place of residence before entering the university. To determine the overall morbidity and distribution of female students by health groups, an analysis of individual medical records according to the international statistical classification of diseases was carried out. Physical fitness was diagnosed by 6 tests. Overall endurance was assessed by the result in the 2000 m run . Speed-strength abilities for running speed at 100 m. Strength abilities were determined by 4 tests: "Lifting the torso from the prone position", "Pulling up on a low crossbar", "Squats with support on the wall on the right leg" and "Squats with support on the wall on the left leg".
The results of the study and conclusions. The level of urbanization affects the overall morbidity and physical fitness of female students aged 17-18 years who live in a large city before entering university. A group of first-year students of Kirov has a low level of the number of the main medical group for physical culture and a high degree of respiratory morbidity. There were also significantly significant differences in relation to girls from rural settlements in tests on strength training ("Squats with support on the wall on the right leg", "Squats with support on the wall on the left leg") and endurance ("Running 2000 m"). An intergroup comparison of the results of other tests indicated an insignificant difference and were unreliable.

Keywords: physical fitness, urbanization environment, freshmen, general morbidity.


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