Providing an aerobic work regime in adaptive physical education classes for people with cerebral palsy


PhD, Associate Professor L.M. Kielevainen
Petrozavodsk State University, Petrozavodsk

Objective of the study was to compare and summarize the results of a functional test in people with cerebral palsy during an aerobic exercise.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was conducted at the Center for Adaptive Physical Culture of Petrozavodsk State University for three months. The experimental group consisted of 14 people aged 16-22 with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. The aerobic mode of work was provided by walking on the treadmill with support on the handrails, walking on the treadmill in the Gross simulator and pedaling on the Ortorent-moto rehabilitation simulator for active-passive mechanotherapy. The regulation of the intensity level was carried out by monitoring the heart rate indicators within the target zone, calculated according to the Karvonen formula.
Results and conclusions. Analysis of the results of the study showed that the achievement of optimal heart rate values ​​that provide an aerobic mode of work for people with cerebral palsy is possible when walking on a treadmill based on handrails and on a treadmill in the Gross simulator. Almost all participants had heart rate indicators when walking on a treadmill within the target zone, from 125 beats/min to 163 beats/min (depending on individual calculations), there were no sharp drops or jumps in heart rate throughout the entire work.
The results of the study can be applied in the development of rehabilitation programs for people with cerebral palsy.

Keywords: cerebral palsy, aerobic exercise, adaptive physical culture.


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