Peculiarities of the functional state and properties of the central nervous system of qualified cyclists aged 17–18 years in different periods of the training macrocycle


Dr. Biol., Professor A.V. Shakhanova1
PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Chelyshkova1
Postgraduate student O.A. Sazhina1
Dr. Med., Professor A.Kh. Agirov1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the current functional state and properties of the central nervous system in qualified road cyclists in different periods of the training macrocycle.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work was carried out in a longitudinal mode using the NS-Psychotest computer complex from Neurosoft. We examined 20 road cyclists aged 17-18 who had the qualification of candidates for master of sports, among whom was the champion of the All-Russian competition in cycling, taken as a comparison standard in evaluating the results.
Results and conclusions. The optimal balance of nervous processes was revealed, the strength of the nervous system varied in the main group from weak during the competitive period to medium - in the control and preparatory period, and in the champion - from medium-weak to strong. Comprehensive assessment of the functional state of the central nervous system according to the criteria of T.D. Loskutova showed that in the main group examined in the competitive and recovery periods, the current functional state, reaction stability, the level of functional capabilities of the central nervous system, concentration of attention, the accuracy of performing an action were in the zone of average values, moving into the zone of low values ​​in the control and preparatory period. For the champion, these indicators in the competitive period were in the zone of average values, moving into the zone of high values ​​in the recovery and control-preparatory periods.

Keywords: functional state of the nervous system, balance of nervous processes, strength of the nervous system, cycling, road sportsmen, periods of the training macrocycle.


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