Analysis of different parameters of the competitive activity of the Russian championship finalists in the 110-meter harder run


PhD, Associate Professor O.M. Mirzoev
Russian university sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze individual parameters of competitive activity and technical skills of the finalists of the Russian Championship (2021) in the 110 m hurdles.
Methods and structure of the study. The article discusses various parameters and indicators that characterize the structure of the competitive activity of the strongest hurdlers in Russia based on the results of their performances at the national championship in 2021.
Results and conclusions. The temporal characteristics of the technical skill of athletes are presented, in particular, the running time of each barrier cycle, the time to overcome the inter-barrier space and the obstacle itself, as well as errors encountered when overcoming barriers along the entire length of the distance. A comparative analysis of the time indicators of running technique between the winner of the Russian championship (S. Shubenkov) and the Olympic champion in 2021 (H. Parchment) was carried out. Analysis of the results showed that the Olympic champion has a number of advantages over the champion of Russia, and vice versa.

Keywords: Olympic Games, Russian championship, track and field athletics, 110 m hurdles, technical mastery, hurdle cycles, time characteristics, sports results.


  1. Mirzoyev O.M., Klevtsov S.A. Sorevnovatelnaya deyatelnost chempiona mira 2015 goda, trekhkratnogo chempiona Yevropy Sergeya Shubenkova [Competitive activity of the 2015 world champion, three-time European champion Sergey Shubenkov]. Legkaya atletika. 2019. No. 5-6. pp. 24-31.
  2. The XXXII Olympic Games (Athletics) Timetable | World Athletics [Electronic resource]. Available at: (date of access: 03.04.2022).