Conceptual principles and regularities of technology of sports education and socialization of student orphans in conditions of integration "school - secondary vocational education - university"


PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Ismiyanov1
PhD, Associate Professor I.I. Gotovtsev1
L.D. Rybina2
1Churapcha state institute of physical education and sports, Churapcha
2Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to create optimal conditions for sports education and socialization of orphans in the conditions of an integrative educational complex school - vocational education (hereinafter - "school - secondary vocational education - university").
Methods and structure of the study. To set a specific goal of building technology, the main sources of creating the system were used as a scientific and methodological basis: the social order of society and the state to increase the effectiveness of complex rehabilitation, personal development and education of orphans in the system of secondary vocational education and the university; objective needs of sports education and socialization of orphans at the present stage; pedagogical experience of personal preparation of studying orphans for professional activities; the level of formation of personal qualities and social adaptation; practical experience of personal training of orphans in the transition from general to vocational education.
Results and conclusions. As part of the study, the authors developed theoretical and methodological principles, patterns of organization of the system of sports education and socialization as an integral part of complex rehabilitation, psychophysical training and social adaptation in the context of integration "school - secondary vocational education - university".

Keywords: integration of general and vocational education, sports education and socialization, psychophysical training, orphans.


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