Impact of sleep on health and performance students


PhD S.P. Shepel1
E.Yu. Vnukova1
S.B. Mavrina1
Yu.V. Kruglova1

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow

Objective of the study was to reveal the effect of sleep on the health of students on the basis of a sociological analysis.
Methods and structure of the study. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature, sociological survey and questioning of students of an economic university, generalization, analysis and synthesis of the data obtained. Statistical analysis was carried out on a sample of students of 1-3 courses of an economic university in the amount of 576 people.
Results and conclusions. The picture obtained in the course of a sociological study statistically represents the attitude of 1st-3rd year students to the daily and sleep regimen. The hypothesis of students' sleep disorders was confirmed. Of the 576 students surveyed, only 12% get enough sleep. Approximately 65% ​​of students tend to go to bed after 12 midnight, which contributes to sleep deprivation. The subjective duration of sleep in about 60% corresponds to the norm of 7-9 hours, but at the same time, 63% of the respondents experienced insomnia. Sleep hygiene is performed by about 40% of students, 30% turn off gadgets at night. The survey managed to arouse interest in the topic of sleep: about 42% of the respondents would like to receive competent advice on organizing sleep, more than 30% thought about their sleep. A connection was noted between sleep disorders and the prerequisites for receiving a number of symptoms later: “Insufficient sleep syndrome”, revealing the “gateway” to the emergence of risks of diseases, a negative impact on the functions of thinking, mood, communication, learning, increased blood pressure, cardiovascular risks – vascular diseases, obesity, decreased performance. Recommendations are given for a comprehensive approach to lifestyle modification and the formation of a healthy type of behavior: to observe daily rhythms (accounting for circodian biorhythms of the body) for high-quality production of melatonin and cortisol; observe the regime of work and rest during wakefulness, giving preference to changing activities; take into account the mode of nutrition, the quality of products and the amount of food consumed; exclude from the diet "junk" and stimulating food; monitor electromagnetic radiation and observe "informational" silence from gadgets; regulate the mode of physical activity and timely mental recovery and rest.

Keywords: sleep disorders, lifestyle, performance, sleep hygiene, daily routine.


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