Planning training loads in the preparation of the university combined student team in mini-football


A.A. Pleshakov1
PhD, Associate Professor Yu.S. Zhemchug2
A.S. Shadrin3
S.V. Kharin1

1Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
2Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University, Nizhny Novgorod
3Russian university sport (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of planning training loads in the preparation of the university student team in mini-football (futsal).
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific analysis was carried out in the period from September 2021 to May 2022, in which 1st-4th year students of the Moscow Polytechnic University, who are members of the university's mini-football (futsal) team, took part. Planning the volume and intensity of the training load in the preparation of the university student team in mini-football was aimed at achieving high levels of preparedness; increasing the level of knowledge of the basics of training; effective use of control tests that provide an assessment of the preparedness of athletes.
Results and conclusions. The selection of physical activity in mini-football (futsal) is regulated taking into account age, gender, level of fitness, as well as individual characteristics of the development of the body. The results of the research showed that the effectiveness of competitive activity in mini-football (futsal) is determined by skillful planning of the volume and intensity of the training load with direct observance and control of its parameters in the preparatory and competitive period of the annual training cycle.

Keywords: mini-football (futsal), university student team, planning, training load.


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