Irrationality of motives of students' sports achievements


PhD R.G. Ardashev1
T.S. Bokareva2
1Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
2Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia, Moscow

Keywords: irrationality, students, sports achievements, motivation, sports, youth.

Introduction. In the structure of students' motivation to achieve high sports results, a special place is occupied by structural motivational complexes that lead to victories [1], which are based on unconscious subjective experiences, illogical paradoxical experience of socialization and social adaptation in the student community.
The purpose of the study is to identify the irrational motives of students that motivate them to strive for sports achievements.
Methodology and organization of the study. The pedagogical study was conducted in the spring of 2022, 1200 students of law universities from Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude (nine universities in total) took part in it. Of these, 700 girls and 500 boys aged 18 to 22 years who have been involved in sports for more than three years and have the level of candidate or master of sports. As a research method, a questionnaire survey and a symbolic test of associations were used, indicating the presence of irrational attitudes of students.
The results of the study and their discussion. Analysis of the results of the study allowed us to determine that 72% of students clearly do not realize what exactly pushes them to achieve success in sports, because many are simply engaged in maintaining physical fitness, leisure, etc.
The hierarchy of irrational revealed motives of students for sports achievements was built as follows:
Sexual attractiveness for the opposite sex (athletic achievements attract attention from others) – 34%.
The desire to protect yourself (especially for those from a dysfunctional family or single-parent family). Sporting achievements are proof that a young man will be able to stand up for himself – 29% of respondents.
The acquisition of social capital, which is expressed in the expansion of social ties with a significant contingent of people for the athlete. According to the athlete, fame, popularity increases his status in the eyes of others ("it's important who I know and who knows me") – 23% of respondents.
Strengthening self-confidence, which allows you to transfer success in sports achievements to success in all other spheres of life (14% of respondents).
Conclusions. The study showed that irrational motives play a role in the structure of students' motivation to play sports. At the same time, they may not be realized by students and at the same time are a priority over the generally accepted ones.


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