Teaching children to the elements of athletic throwing


PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Ushakovа
Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Volgograd

Keywords: children, physical exercises, athletics, development, physical qualities, throwing.

Introduction. Athletics is the kind of sport that, in terms of its accessibility and versatility, allows from the very first classes to harmoniously develop the physical qualities of those involved. Teaching the elements of throwing movements by throwing a tennis ball from a place to horizontal and vertical targets, tasks are set to develop coordination abilities, speed, accuracy and accuracy, as all this contributes to the development of fine motor skills when holding the projectile and its release, which has a beneficial effect on both the development of physical qualities and mental abilities of those involved [2].
The purpose of the study is to present a methodology for teaching elements of athletics throwing aimed at developing the physical qualities of children 5-6 years old.
Methodology and organization of the study. All classes were held with children 5-6 years old twice a week for 45 minutes. The method of developing physical qualities included elements of the game in the form of relay races and small competitions. Tasks were performed at the signal of the coach, which, in turn, contributed to the development of attention. The experiment lasted three months.
The results of the study and their discussion. The first part of the lesson was aimed at the comprehensive development of physical qualities – coordination, dexterity, speed, flexibility. Exercises and various versions of relay races with and without objects were used. For the development of motor skills, exercises with objects were best selected.
The second part of the lesson was aimed at learning how to throw at horizontal and vertical targets from the starting position facing towards the throw, one foot in front, the other behind on the toe, hand with the ball over his head. When performing the throw, not only the correct starting position, flight range, but also the accuracy of the hit, including the number of times in a given target, were taken into account. The distance increased by 1, 2, 3, etc. meters as the development progressed.
Conclusions. Determining the winner when accurately hitting the target with the correct starting position and the result at a distance, in the form of competitions, helps to increase the interest of children in performing these exercises. The desire to perform the throw as best as possible and further, in our opinion, can influence the choice of this sport for further studies when reaching the age for enrollment in athletics sports schools.


  1. Boyko A. F. Fundamentals of athletics: a textbook / A. F. Boyko. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 2013. – 128 p.
  2. Ushakova O. E. Athletics classes with children 6-7 years old / O. E. Ushakova // Scientific notes of the P.F. Lesgaft University. – 2019. – № 12 (178). – Pp. 278-282.