The method for the prevention and correction of posture disorders in children of primary school age


PhD, Associate Professor T.V. Nikolskaya1
Dr. Sc.Phil., Associate Professor G.V. Barinova1
PhD T.L. Kuzmenkova1
1Russian University of Transport, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop and test a methodology, including special corrective exercises, for the prevention and correction of posture disorders in children of primary school age as part of physical therapy classes in a general education institution.
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, which was conducted during the 2020-2021 academic year, primary school students of Smolensk secondary school No. 5 at the age of 6-9 years old with a preparatory health group (group II) were selected. Together with an orthopedic doctor, an initial examination of students was carried out using a test card to identify disorders of the musculoskeletal system; selective study of a number of psycho-physiological and pedagogical indicators characterizing the level of physical development of students. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, a group of children with postural disorders was selected. A pedagogical experiment was developed to prevent violations and correct posture using a specially designed set of corrective physical exercises that were introduced sequentially, gradually becoming more complicated every one to two weeks.
Results and conclusion. The results of a functional study of spine flexibility, static endurance of the back and abdominal muscles, trunk extensors, scapular flexors, cervical and lumbar lordosis among the children of primary school age of the experimental group met the criteria for assessing a «good» mark, which indicates that the proposed method aimed at for the prevention and correction of disorders of the musculoskeletal system is effective.

Keywords: therapeutic physical culture, physical education, corrective exercises, posture.


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