Trends in the transition to the implementation of the blended learning model in teaching physical education in general educational organizations


Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.A. Akimova1
PhD, Associate Professor P.P. Thissen1
R.R. Kalimullin1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

Objective of the study was to determine the trends of transition to the implementation of the blended learning model in the teaching of physical culture in educational institutions.
Methods and structure of the study. Implemented methods: study of legal documents in the field of physical culture and health work and informatization of education; summarizing the advanced pedagogical experience of the safe implementation of offline and online tools in the practice of teaching physical culture.
Results and conclusions. As the leading trends in the transition to the implementation of the model of blended learning in the methodology of teaching physical education in educational organizations, the authors define: increasing the role of physical education and health work in the implementation of blended learning; expansion of advanced pedagogical experience of harmonization of traditional and innovative means of teaching physical culture. In the context of the identified trends, the semantic guidelines and ideological constructs of blended learning in the teaching of physical culture in a general educational organization are determined. Within the framework of blended learning, a rational choice of electronic physical culture and health practices is carried out to build individual educational trajectories of physical self-development and self-improvement of students (including those with special educational needs) in a competent correlation with their individual resources and capabilities.

Keywords: blended learning, teaching methods, physical culture.


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