Рsychological resistance in working men going in for sports in free time


G.V. Baturkina1
PhD, Associate Professor T.P. Budyakova1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets

Objective of the study was to identify the impact of sports on the development of psychological resilience in working men.
Methods and structure of the study. The cognitive interview was used as a method. The questions of such an interview involve post factum assessment of their actions included in events significant for the individual. The study participants were divided into two groups. The first group included working men, members of the table tennis section, who have been involved in it for many years. The second group consisted of working men who do not perceive sports as a significant activity.
Results and conclusions. It was found that the resilience of working men involved in sports is higher than that of their peers who are not involved in sports. Differences were found in the type of thinking. Men involved in sports perceived participation in the sports section as a factor contributing to the increase in working capacity and efficiency of activity both in the profession and in personal life. For men who do not devote time to sports, sports activities were perceived as a hindrance to work or business, taking away productive time. Resilience was also manifested in the fact that men involved in sports used the time of the pandemic more effectively.

Keywords: sport for working men, psychological resilience, type of thinking, pandemic.


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