Analysis of the competitive activity of participants of the Russia championships in all-style karate of the discipline "Full Contact"


A.V. Akopyan1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Shakhov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Semyannikova1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets

Objective of the study was to identify technical, tactical and other aspects of the competitive activity of participants in the Russian Championships 2018-2021. in all-style karate in the discipline "Full contact".
Methods and structure of the study. In the course of the study, shorthand recording of 296 performances (or 148 competitive fights) was carried out, followed by a technical and tactical analysis.
Results and conclusions. The authors proposed a classification of technical and tactical actions of all-style karate of the Full Contact discipline, which took into account the following: zones of destruction; punches can be applied to the torso and legs, blows to the head and joints are prohibited; kicks are allowed to any part of the body, except for the back, groin, throat, joints; in this type of martial arts, painful and suffocating techniques are prohibited; throwing technique should be carried out exclusively from one-sided grips, performed no more than two seconds, amplitude throws are prohibited. The analysis of the competitive fights of the participants of the championships of Russia in all-style karate discipline "Full Contact" made it possible to determine the model technical and tactical characteristics of the winners, which can serve as a guideline in the preparation of athletes.

Keywords: all-style karate, discipline "Full contact", technical and tactical readiness, competitive activity, championships of Russia.


  1. Akopyan A.V., Shakhov A.A., Semyannikova V.V. Popytka razrabotki model'nykh tekhniko-takticheskikh kharakteristik vo vsestilevom karate [An attempt to develop model technical and tactical characteristics in all-style karate]. Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2021. No. 6 (196). Pp. 6-9.