State support of professional athletes in the context of social protection


PhD, Associate Professor O.V. Zhukova
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: professional athletes, housing and construction cooperative with state support, workers of physical culture and sports.

Social protection of professional athletes is a significant factor of influence on Russian society, on the formation of the attitude of various groups of the population to physical culture and sports. State support of athletes in the field of solving housing issues is becoming one of the motivational mechanisms for attracting citizens to sports, developing sports, and achieving high sports results.


  1. National project "Housing and Urban Environment. [Electronic resource] / (accessed: 04.07.2022).
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 9, 2012 No. 108 (as amended on May 4, 2021) on the implementation of the 161-FZ "On Assistance to the Development of Housing Construction" (as amended from 01.03.2022) [Electronic resource] https://base / (accessed: 04.07.2022).