Stress resistance as a component of motivational readiness of future teachers-athletes for professional activities


PhD, Associate Professor I.G. Almazova1
PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Yelnikova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.G. Kolosova1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets

Objective of the study was to identify stress resistance as a component of the motivational readiness of future teachers-athletes for professional activities.
Methods and structure of the study. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of Bunin Yelets State University. The study involved 70 students of 1-3 courses. The diagnostics was carried out using two methods: a self-assessment test of stress resistance (S. Cohen and G. Willianson), a methodology for motivating professional activity (K. Zamfir's method modified by A. Rean). During the first stage, the level of stress resistance of the respondents was revealed. During the second stage, the motivational structure of the personality was diagnosed according to the method of motivating professional activity (method of K. Zamfir in the modification of A. Rean), which allows you to determine the motivational complex of the personality - the relationship between three types of motivation: internal motivation, external positive motivation and external negative motivation.
Results and conclusions. The data obtained indicate that the level of stress resistance is related to the optimality of the motivational complex, which determines the effectiveness of professional motivation. The higher the level of stress resistance, the better the motivational complex (strives to the optimal): a high level of internal and external positive motivation and a low level of externally negative one. This puts before educational organizations the task of diagnosing, preventing and correcting stress resistance in the process of professional training for sports and professional activities.

Keywords: stress resistance, motivational readiness, motivational complex, sports teachers, sports activities, students.


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