Application of roller-sport elements in adaptive physical education of junior schoolchildren with vision impairment


PhD, Associate Professor T.P. Zavyalova1
A.I. Lapteva2
1Institute of Physical Culture, Tyumen State University, Tyumen
2Roller school inline, Tyumen

Objective of the study was to substantiate the possibility of using elements of roller sport in adaptive physical education of junior schoolchildren 7-8 years old with visual impairment.
Methods and structure of the study. It was planned to study the interest in various sports, indicators of physical fitness of children 7-8 years old with visual impairment, studying in a correctional educational institution. The main research method was a pedagogical experiment of a linear type, which has a stating, formative, comparative character.
Results and conclusions. The ascertaining stage revealed the prevailing below average and low levels of development of the coordination ability to differentiate the efforts of the lower extremities, to maintain balance in movement, the ability to static balance, as well as flexibility, which is largely due to the peculiarity of the state of vision and, in connection with this, general disorders of the motor sphere children. The results obtained became the basis for the development and implementation of training methods using elements of roller sports.

Keywords: elements of roller sport, schoolchildren aged 7-8, visual impairment, physical qualities, coordination abilities.


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