Short-track-based extracurricular activities of primary schoolchildren


PhD, Associate Professor M.Y. Zolotova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Chaichenko1
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova1
1State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Objective of the study justification of the program of extracurricular physical education activities for teachers- students of 4th graders based on the short-track.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment was conducted at the premises of the Municipal Budgetary General Education Institution General Secondary School No. 14, Kolomny. Subject to the experiment were 28 4th graders. The methodology for the introduction of extracurricular activities included sets of innovative exercises in the variable part of the basic training session, the number of repetitions, and a competitive process at the level of general education schools. At the beginning of the educational experiment, the subjects’ physical development rates were assessed in the following tests: 30 m run (s); 3x10 m shuttle run (s); standing long jump (m); seated forward bends (cm); 6 min run (m). The health status of the primary schoolchildren was assessed based on the medical records.
Results and conclusions. The follow-up analysis of the physical fitness level of the 4th graders revealed an increase in all the test rates, and thus, improvement of the schoolchildren’s physical fitness level. The comparison of the data obtained with the aims, contents, and methods of organization of the educational process made it possible to determine the effectiveness of the developed short-track-based extracurricular activities in application to the 4th graders: personal growth of each student, raised self-esteem, and changes in their intellectual, moral, and physical development.

Keywords: extracurricular activities, primary schoolchildren, short track, sports activities.


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