New formats of tennis tournaments as a way to increase schoolchildren’s motivation for sports activities


PhD, Associate Professor O.E. Balaeva1
Postgraduate D.P. Lyulekin1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the optimal model of increasing Russian schoolchildren’s interest in tennis tournaments through the introduction of new formats of competitive tournaments.
Methods and structure of the study. To increase the schoolchildren’s interest in tennis, w developed an optimal 4-hour model aimed to preserve the psycho-emotional state of both the tennis players and their parents. The optimality of this time frame was proved using the methods of pedagogical observation and sociological survey.
It was found that the minimum number of competitive matches to effectively contribute to the acquisition by schoolchildren of the rational game experience, as well as the optimal physical and psycho-emotional loads, is 3 matches in a format corresponding to the athletes’ age category. It was assumed that the optimal minimum number of matches required is 4, in a format corresponding to the athletes’ age category. It was also found that each tournament must be run in three stages: Group Stage, Play-off Stage, Additional Tournament.
Results and conclusions. The study found that the implementation of the system of the tournament running proposed by the authors contributed to the increase in the number of participants by 1,522%. There was a 333% increase in the average number of tournament participants, which indicated a growing interest of schoolchildren and their parents in competitive activities and tennis in general.

Keywords: tennis, schoolchildren, involvement, interest, sociological survey, tournament, match, system of running.


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