Development of coordination and precision actions in football players of preschool age using the program "Mougli"


PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Sokovikov1
PhD, Associate Professor, Honored Coach of the Russian Federation O.N. Ivanov2
Postgraduate student D.G. Pechenik2
Postgraduate student A.M. Mishatkin3
1Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University, Balashikha, Moscow Region
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Malakhovka, Moscow Region
3Moscow Region State University, Mytishchi, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to analyze the elementary technical and tactical actions of children aged 5-6 in a football tournament on small sites, taking into account the use of the experimental program "Mowgli".
Methods and structure of the study. The analysis of the competitive activity of children in the tournament at small venues according to the 3 + 1 scheme was carried out on the basis of the Schelkovo children's sports school. Teams of five-year-old players were divided into two subgroups (n=10). In one subgroup there were teams that had already been practicing according to the Mowgli program for six months, in the other - teams where this technique was not used.
Results and conclusions. The team, in which the Mowgli program was used for six months, using a set of elementary exercises to develop coordination abilities and precision actions, showed the best results, which confirmed the hypothesis that this technique is effective for training young football players.

Keywords: children, preschool age, sports and recreation program "Mowgli", football, tournament, coordination abilities, precision actions.


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