Coordination training model for beginner youth football groups


Post-graduate student Y.A. Gusev1
PhD, Associate Professor G.I. Deryabina1
PhD, Associate Professor V.L. Lerner1
1Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin, Tambov

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a coordination training model for the 8-10-year-old beginner football groups at the basics training stage.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed benefits of the coordination training model for beginner football groups as complementary to their basics training systems to offer key provisions for the coordination training model for the 8-10-year-old football beginners with elements of Tai-bo combat aerobics. The coordination training model includes a few modules described herein.
Results and conclusion. The new coordination training model for the 8-10-year-old beginner football groups was tested beneficial and, therefore, may be recommended for application in the basics training stage.

Keywords: coordination training, junior footballers, coordination skills, methodology.


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