Cross-country skiing at Krasnoturansk youth sports school: competitive progress analysis
Master P.A. Maleev1
Postgraduate student A.S. Gorbachev1
Associate Professor E.D. Kondrashova1
E.I. Malygin1
1Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk
Objective of the study was to analyze competitive progresses of the cross-county skiers at the Krasnoturansk Youth Sports School.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed progress of the Krasnoturansk Youth Sports School cross-county skiers for the period of 2012 through 2021 using competitive reports, analysis of the reference literature and a standard mathematical statistics processing toolkit.
Results and conclusion. The Krasnoturansk Youth Sports School cross-county skiers’ competitive progress rating analysis found a stable good competitive progress with minor sagging trends in the early and late stages of the study period. The coaching team was successful in the individual excellence trainings sensitive to the intergroup transitions and age periods as verified by the actual progresses of the school cross-county skiing leaders at the Krasnoyarsk Regional events in every season, with the school contribution to the regional total scores estimated to vary around 33% on average for the period.
Keywords: Nordic skiing (NS), Krasnoturansk Youth Sports School, cross-county skiers, local and federal sports events, dynamics of results, rating.
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