School volleyball for 14-15-year-olds: jumping skills training by shock-response system: tests and benefits analysis


PhD, Associate Professor Y.I. Vinokurov1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Andrianova2
1Kolomna Institute (Branch) of Moscow Polytechnic University, Kolomna
2State Institute of Social Studies and Humanities, Kolomna

Objective of the study was to develop and test benefits of a shock-response trainer system for jumping skills of the 14-15-year-old volleyball players.
Methods and structure of the study. The shock-response trainer was tested at secondary school No. 10 in Kolomna on a sample of 14-15-year-old volleyball players (n=30). 
Results and conclusion. We complemented the school volleyball trainings with the shock-response trainer knowing the importance of good jumping skills for technical and competitive progress. We found the shock-response trainings with a special focus on the strength and speed-strength elements being beneficial for progress in the jumping speeds and heights. We recommend the shock-response trainer for application in the school volleyball groups as beneficial for progress in jumping skills.

Keywords: schoolchildren, jumping skills, volleyball, shock-response trainer system, reactive characteristics of motor system.


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