Psycho-physiological test toolkit for primary selections of sports gifted children
PhD, Associate Professor E.E. Khvatskaya1
PhD V.S. Terekhin1
V.V. Danilov2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a psycho-physiological test toolkit for primary selections of the sports gifted children.
Methods and structure of the study. We made an expert analysis of the psycho-physiological test component of the primary selection service for the Federal Experimental Innovative “Become a Champion” Project using NS-Psychotest system (made by LLC Neurosoft, Ivanovo, Russia). We sampled for the tests the 5-12-year-olds (n= 180, 94 boys and 87 girls). Significance of the test data group differences was rated by the Fisher φ angular transformation criterion.
Results and conclusion. The psycho-physiological test tools for the primary selection of sports gifted children were found beneficial as they give a sound basis for consulting the children’s families and making individual recommendations on how they should mobilize their children’s sport talents for progress.
Keywords: children’s sports gift rating tests, psycho-physiological tests, integration, recommendations.
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