Progress of school physical education system management system in China
Postgraduate student Chang Wanyuzhou1
PhD G.S. Titova1
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze progress of the school physical education system management reforms in China.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed the Chinese school physical education system reformation periods with a special attention to the key transitional phases and the progress facilitating basic legal and regulatory provisions. The national government undertook the first school physical education reform in 1978 to radically change the school physical education system within the large-scale reforms in the China's education system that laid a foundation for the more efficient school physical education management policies and practices in the new millennium. We analyzed and systematized the school physical education progress stages in China for this period.
Results and conclusion. We provisionally classified the school physical education system reformation process in two stages: 1978-1989 and 1990-2000. The first stage formed the school physical education system management foundation including the adapted elements of the Soviet school physical education design and management experience. And the second stage was designed to implement the national traditions in the school physical education system. As demonstrated by our analysis, the two-stage school physical education system reforms made it possible to modernize the system management policies and practices to facilitate progress of the school physical education system till nowadays.
Keywords: management, school, physical education, management system, curriculum, periodization, China.
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