Competitive season fitness preserving model for footballers


PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova1
V.N. Karpov1
PhD, Associate Professor T.G. Klimanova1
1State University of Social Studies and Humanities, Kolomna, Moscow Region

Objective of the study was to test and analyze benefits of a new training program for amateur footballers to stay fit throughout the competitive season.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the educational experiment the 25.1±5.9 year-old and 181.7±2.9 cm tall players of Kolomna Football Club from Moscow Oblast who played in the 2019-20 season in Division III Group A in the Moscow Oblast Qualifiers for the Russian Football Cup; and split them up into Control and Experimental Group. The Experimental Group training system included 12 weekly micro-cycles in the first round of the 2019-20 competitive season, with every of them having two technical and tactical trainings and one calendar match per week, with a special priority to the special physical fitness.
Results and conclusion. The program was tested beneficial as verified by a significant progress of the Experimental Group due to the special static/ dynamic strength workouts and interval high-intensity sprint trainings that helped not only maintain the aerobic and speed-strength fitness elements but also significantly improve them within the limited seasonal timeframe.

Keywords: amateur footballer, sport shape, Division III, training process.


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