Peculiarities of the temperament of young men regularly participated in football and gymnastics


Dr. Med., Dr. Biol., Professor I.N. Medvedev1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
1Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: temperament, boys, frustration, aggressiveness, plasticity, gymnastics, football.

Introduction. Sports activities require a person to manifest a variety of physical and especially mental properties aimed at achieving high athletic results [1]. It is believed that temperament, along with the level of physical development, is very significant in achieving athletic excellence [2]. At the same time, it is temperament that determines the individuality of movements and their success, which is especially important in football and gymnastics.
The purpose of the study is to identify the temperament features of young football players and gymnasts.
Methodology and organization of the study. Two groups of healthy, young athletes aged 17-19 years with at least three years of sports experience were examined. The first group included 18 football players, the second group consisted of 17 gymnasts. Anxiety, emotional stability, resistance to frustration, the level of aggressiveness, the severity of plasticity and rigidity of processes in the nervous system, the balance of extraversion-introversion with subsequent statistical processing of the results were determined.
The results of the study and their discussion. All the examined athletes, according to the results of the methods "Self-assessment of mental state" and "Temperament properties", had a comparable high emotional stability. Similar resistance to frustration was noted in both observation groups. The football players had a more pronounced aggressiveness, exceeding its level in gymnasts by 19.3%. Football players were characterized by a large extraversion (by 17.9%) and a large plasticity of primary processes (by 18.5%).
Conclusions. The intensity of aggressiveness, plasticity and extroversion in the temperament of young athletes largely determines their choice of sport and the subsequent success of sports activities. Football players are characterized by increased aggressiveness, plasticity and extroversion. Gymnasts tend to have lower values of these characteristics.


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